March 27,2012

Check List

1)  Keyboarding Review

2)  Finish Spirit Bear Responses  
Scoring Rubric- accuracy, followed directions
1- below standard
2- met standard
3- above standard
4- exceeds standard

3)  Clean Up your blog- ONLY one gadget!!!!  Email me your blog link:

Blog Standards-  1  needs a lot work    2  basic needs some work     3 met standard  4 exceeds standard

Character Education March 20, 2012

Part I
Think about the different dances that Cole danced.  What did he learn about himself from each one?  




Which dance do you identify with the most?  Why?

Part II

Choose a scene from the book in which one of the characters demonstrates a character trait. Write a short summary of the scene.  Include a symbol or image that represents the character trait.

Scoring Rubric- accuracy, followed directions
1- below standard
2- met standard
3- above standard
4- exceeds standard

Example of a symbol: