February 28, 2012

1)  Answer the following questions from Animal Totem Quiz to find your animal.

2) Find an image of your animal.  Copy and post it  on your blog.

February 16, 2012

I understand how make a post to my blog.

1) Make a new post on your blog.  What lesson is Cole to learn by going swimming in a freezing pond?  Give details in your response.  Post a image that symbolizes the stick.

2)  Practice your vocabulary on Quizlet.

3) Log into family/student access.


February 14, 2012

 I understand how to post a comment on a public blog.

1) Post a comment on this blog:  Your question-  Explain the difference between a public and private blog.  Give specific examples. 

2)  Make sure your blog meets standards in the following areas:  readability and organized, class blog list, vocabulary list, and completed post responses.

3) Practice and prepare for the Vocabulary Test by using your account on Quizlet. 
  • scrounge-to collect by as if by rummaging
  • shroud-to cover with
  • obligation- an act of making one self responsible for doing something
  • persistent - continuing existing, or acting for a long or longer than usual tie. stubbornly determined
  • dignity- the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or respected.
  • diminish-to make less or to make appear less
  • haphazard-marked by lack of plan, order, or direction
  • incessant- to go on and on without meaning
  • Indifferent-having no good or bad feelings
  •  at'oow-passing on a gift which can not be owned

February 9, 2012

Public or Private

I understand the difference between a public and private blog.

1)  T chart- public or private
2) Blog Standards-  1  needs a lot work    2  basic needs some work     3 met standard  4 exceeds standard

3) Blog Assessment-individual with teacher

February 2, 2012 'Spirit Bear'

On your blog:

1) List five feelings Cole may have felt during the attack by the 'Spirit Bear.'

2)  Write a paragraph from Cole's point of view describing the emotions he experienced during that time.  Make sure you include at least five feeling words in your paragraph.

3)  Comment on two classmates blogs:  Find  and list their five feeling words

4)  Check with your teacher.

5) Go to Quizlet - practice voaculary.

All blog entries are scored based on the following components.

Required number of sentences
Thoroughness of the post in response to prompt
Timeliness of post
Clarity of response
Please re-read what you wrote! Be a self-editor!